EWS offers a variety services ranging from trucking to land clearing. Call us today to see if we can help in your area.

Walking Floor Transport
Our walking floor trailers are ideal for hauling mulch and other ground up materials. These trailers are capable of holding up to 145 yards of product.

Lowboy Transport
Moving heavy equipment is a little easier with EWS. We able to move front end loads, material handlers, and many other pieces of equipment.

Gravel Train Transport
Gravel Trains are perfect for hauling heavier material such as aggregate. Our trains can hold up to 50 tons of product.

Land Clearing
EWS has specialized in land clearing since the early 2000's. Our typical land clearing job consists of clearing areas of tree, brush, and stumps. Areas that need to be raked to a maximum depth of 4" and removal of all wood from the site that is later recycled.